The Accuser
The Blood of the Lamb
John the Baptist
introduced Jesus as
“The Lamb who takes
away the sin of the world”
If the blood of the
Lamb has taken away your sin
you too can overcome
the accuser
Our Accuser accuses us of wrong doing and failure.
The problem is even when we do our
best we find we could have done it better.
Somehow even our greatest
works fall short of perfection.
So there is always something the Devil
can point out to say we are not good enough.
God knows all have sinned and fallen short of His glory.
I have worked on learning what is right
and being righteousness all my life.
I have come a long way but I still fall short.
There is always something the
devil can point out to condemn me.
Because I want to be holy and Christ
is holy I can get down on myself.
The devil knows how to depress
us and make us ineffective.
So how do we overcome the Accuser?
If all our works in comparison to God
are as filthy rags than where is our hope?
Let’s go back to the first sin.
When Adam and Eve sinned God took
animal skins to cover their nakedness.
An animal had to die and its
blood shed for this to happen.
Throughout the old covenant man’s
sin was covered with an animal sacrifice.
Over and over again a lamb was slain, its
blood shed to cover the sins of the people.
Sin causes death.
The wages of sin is death.
But in the new covenant…
John the Baptist introduces Jesus as the…
“The Lamb of God who
takes away the sin of the world” John 1:29
Jesus Christ the Lamb without spot or blemish
was slain for the sins of the world.
Christ came in the flesh like you
and I to deal with the sin problem.
Not to cover it as He did with
Adam and Eve but to take it away.
At Jesus’ trial, insults and
accusations were thrown at Him.
Instead of a rebuttal He entrusted Himself
to God the Father who judges justly.
“He himself bore our
sins in his body on the tree,
so that we might die
to sins and live for righteousness” 1 Peter 2:24 NIV
“For Christ died for
sins once for all, the
righteous for the
unrighteous, to bring you to God.” 1 Peter 3:18 NIV
The Lamb of God, Jesus Christ became
our substitutionary sacrifice for sin.
In other words Jesus took our place,
He died so we might have eternal life.
Jesus took away the penalty of death
from us through His shed blood.
Jesus stood before the judge on our behalf.
So when the accuser accuses us we
don’t have to be afraid of the judge.
Because Jesus paid the price
He took the penalty of our sin.
This is why it says in Revelation 12:11…
“They (the brothern)
overcame him (the Accuser)
by the blood of the
It is impossible to overcome the accuser’s
accusations with our own defense.
Overcoming the
accuser’s accusations can
only happen as we claim the blood of the Lamb.
It is the work on the cross, the shedding of
Christ blood for our sin, that gives us confidence
to stand boldly in the face of the Accuser.
So when you feel condemned…
When you feel depressed…
Remember the blood of Jesus gives you forgiveness.
Be an overcomer don’t let the accuser slow you down.
Jesus died for you so you might have mercy and
grace to give you the strength to overcome sin.
You can do all things according
through Christ who strengthen you.
This is one reason we should take communion often so
we remind ourselves of the power of the blood of Christ.
Scripture Reading
Revelation 12:10-11 NIV
"Now have come the salvation and the power and the
kingdom of our God,
and the authority of his Christ.
For the accuser of our brothers,
who accuses them before our God day and night,
has been hurled down.
11 They overcame him
by the blood of the Lamb
and by the word of their testimony
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